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Traditional Full Body Thai Massage

A relaxing and stimulating full-body treatment that is sure to please. Pressure point massage along the body's ten major energy channels to release blocked energy and in crease awareness and vitality. Gentle stretching of the joints and muscles relieves tension, enhances flexibility, and induces a deep state of tranquility. Feel completely reviewed and restored, while experiencing tranquility of the mind and spirit.

Traditional Thai Foot Massage

Start by soaking your tired feet in a relaxing, warm herbal bath, which is then followed by a massage concentrated on the feet and legs. Incorporating elements of Shiatsu and Thai style foot massage, this massage improves circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage and removes toxins while reducing stiffness and accelerating physical healing.


Back & Shoulder Massage

A condensed version of the full body Thai massae utilizing some of the same techniques with concentration on the back and shoulders to relieve muscle tension and stress while stimulating energy channels and improving circulation.

Deep Tissue Massage

During the treatment using techniques to relieve tension in the muscle focusing on release the pain and alining the muscle along the spine.


Hot Stone Massage

With heated stones placing alonge the body and at the same time simultaneously massage other part of the body. Nok will accompany heated stone with her natural warm oil which will warm up tight muscle and ready for a deaper massage. After the treatment you will feel really light, relax and rejuvenate.g.


Thai Aromatherpy Oil Massage

This treatment allow you to received the benefit of natural essential oil togeter with organic natural oil which will penetrate the skin,. A combination With gentle stroke and accupressure of Thai massage slowly open up your skin you body to slowly absorb the benefit of essential oil.


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